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Saturday, January 31, 2009

A quick post of the Russian Syncronized Swimming duet team the Anastasias's from the 2006 FINA World Cup Championship in Yokohama, Japan. They went on to win in this event and also in the 2008 olympics too.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Marigold flower unopened

Marigold flower unopened, originally uploaded by Otto Phokus.

It's amazing what pictures people like, you can't even guess it right, you just have to put up your best, and a lot of variety, and see what takes off. I happen to like this one, the bokah, blur, and colors of this picture; and someone else marked it as a favorite too.

Frozen Pond Fun

Frozen Pond Fun, originally uploaded by Otto Phokus.

As you can see the Pond is frozen over, and it is being cleared for ice skating and ice hockey. I am also using this picture as my first test post from Flickr to blog. Photrade is having a hard go of it since they lost all there funding as a result of the current financial crisis, and it's a coin toss as to how long they can keep going. Flickr is the premier picture site anyway, so I am just going to upload to there from now on.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.