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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Coffee Grinder

I decided to get a coffee bean grinder. Starbucks has screwed up my order 3 times in the past 6 months, I even started getting half pound bags because of it, but I ask for them to grind it for Espresso, and I get it home and it is not ground for Espresso. Well, now I can buy my coffee beans at Wegmans, or anywhere and ground them myself as I need it, and not limited to Espresso, but regular coffee too. I haven't used my regular coffee brewer except once in the last 6 weeks. I am getting ready to store it. And to think I was looking to buy another one for spare parts a few blogs ago, because they discontinued the model I use. Don't get me wrong, it still makes the best coffee, I just drink too much when I brew it. I am down to about 4-5, 4 ounce espressos', or Cafe Breve (espresso shot with a little cream, and about 1- 1 1/2 ounces of hot water) a day. Then I usually buy a 12 or 16 ounce regular coffee when I am out and about, or at work. So I have averaged about 28 - 35 ounces of coffee a day. Much better then the 50 -66 or more ounces I had been drinking! I often wonder too, how many tip when they buy something from Starbucks, or Dunkin Donuts? If you are paying 2.50 for a Red Eye, and then add tip, that is an expensive drink. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. I used to work in the food/hospitality industry, but I just don't see giving a tip when you are paying those types of prices. I think Mcdonalds coffee is just as good and half the price. And just to note, if you are watching your sodium intake, Dunkin Donuts is 60mg per 10 ounces, and the other big 2, Starbucks and Mcdonalds are 10mg per 10 ounces. I have put this down from memory, as I researched it over a year ago, but I will look it up again, just to make sure I am quoting the right figures.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Half Me Spin - 3D spin

I am building on yesterdays "Hello World" post. I was testing the same Hello World code with a picture. Just something I threw together quick.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

One of my Photos used on a Website! Hooray!!!!

Finally, one of my photos was selected to be used on a website. The woman contacted me and asked if she could use the picture. That's a first for me! She said there are 2 more she wants to use. It made my day, week, year. If you can't get the the link I have included for the web page where my picture is located. I have a copy of what she used it for here:

Webpage link

Some things...

The, first is my eyeglasses. I never thought of having corrective eye surgery before my eye glasses broke. I had this one pair for about 8 years and I just keep getting new lenses for them. They are so light, I love them, but they dropped to the carpeted floor and the one side broke off. Okay, so I wore them for about 2 weeks thinking I'll call the eye doctor and get them repaired, or replaced. Then the other side broke off. I have a lot of stylish eyeglasses from previous years, and I have been wearing them with the old RX for about 3 months, and it is very frustrating. I do get a lot of comments from people about some kind of stylish statement I am trying to make. I tell some of them the truth about my glasses breaking, and take the compliment from the others. I am just being stubborn not getting new glasses or lenses. Come the new year, my Health Benefits will cover another pair of lenses. I tried wearing my contacts, but after the first day with no problem, the second day, I tried to take one out, that wasn't ever in my eye, and my eye got red. So I decided not to wear them for now. I am seriously thinking about the corrective eye surgery, it has been a real problem. My Sister had the surgery and has no problems.

The second thing, I've only made one pot of coffee in the past 4 weeks. Of course I still drink coffee, but I have cut back on the amount of liquids I drink. I was drinking about 2 quarts of coffee a day. Any where from 50 to 64+ ounces a day. I would have 20 or more ounces downed before I left the house. I didn't always want to drink it all, but I hate wasting things. Now depending on if I am at work or at home I drink 1 -2, 4 ounce espresso's a day, and about a 16 and 12 ounce coffee. At home I just drink espresso,and maybe one coffee as I go about my errands around town.. So, I am down to about 28 - 35 ounces of coffee a day. That is much better. If you think about it, you become chained to your coffee cup. I am just as satisfied with the 3-4 ounces of espresso, and I can get a lot more done.

Cheetah3D "Hello World" first program

Well it's been a long time since I posted anything, and I know how I dislike browsing to old blogs, so I will try to keep updating at least once a week. This first post is a test post to see if the first program I made with Cheetah3D, Hello World" works when I post it up to the blog. It works for me on my computer. So here it comes;

I hope it works, it is in the format for an iPhone.
I hope to do some 3D Modeling of people, body parts etc...,and other objects and animation too!