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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Some things...

The, first is my eyeglasses. I never thought of having corrective eye surgery before my eye glasses broke. I had this one pair for about 8 years and I just keep getting new lenses for them. They are so light, I love them, but they dropped to the carpeted floor and the one side broke off. Okay, so I wore them for about 2 weeks thinking I'll call the eye doctor and get them repaired, or replaced. Then the other side broke off. I have a lot of stylish eyeglasses from previous years, and I have been wearing them with the old RX for about 3 months, and it is very frustrating. I do get a lot of comments from people about some kind of stylish statement I am trying to make. I tell some of them the truth about my glasses breaking, and take the compliment from the others. I am just being stubborn not getting new glasses or lenses. Come the new year, my Health Benefits will cover another pair of lenses. I tried wearing my contacts, but after the first day with no problem, the second day, I tried to take one out, that wasn't ever in my eye, and my eye got red. So I decided not to wear them for now. I am seriously thinking about the corrective eye surgery, it has been a real problem. My Sister had the surgery and has no problems.

The second thing, I've only made one pot of coffee in the past 4 weeks. Of course I still drink coffee, but I have cut back on the amount of liquids I drink. I was drinking about 2 quarts of coffee a day. Any where from 50 to 64+ ounces a day. I would have 20 or more ounces downed before I left the house. I didn't always want to drink it all, but I hate wasting things. Now depending on if I am at work or at home I drink 1 -2, 4 ounce espresso's a day, and about a 16 and 12 ounce coffee. At home I just drink espresso,and maybe one coffee as I go about my errands around town.. So, I am down to about 28 - 35 ounces of coffee a day. That is much better. If you think about it, you become chained to your coffee cup. I am just as satisfied with the 3-4 ounces of espresso, and I can get a lot more done.

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