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Monday, February 16, 2009

Web 2 accounts, coffee addiction, develope iPhone app

Well I've been working on getting all my web things in sycn, ie: facebook, flickr, You Tube, Photrade, the Otto Phokus blog, and I was wondering what would ever happen if these services went out of business. Not only these Web 2 social sites, but some of the others. People have put a lot of work into setting up, and maintaining their accounts, it would be a catastrophe in the making should some go out of business. Hmmmm, that reminds me, I wonder how Photrade is doing, I will have to check and see if they have any new messages to the members about the site. They had lost a lot of their Venture funding when the financial crisis hit, and are looking at any way possible to stay in business.

If you read my blog before you know of my caffein/coffee addiction, but it is going pretty good, I have been drinking about 2/3 or more decafe coffee, and about 32 ounces a day instead of 64 ounces. I did have a Red Eye today at Starbucks on the way to work. I don't get the heebie jeebies anymore like I used to, matter of fact I get pretty darn tired around noon if I have only been drinking decafe. Have to start drinking more water too!
My picture from CC's Wooden Grill still hasn't gotten any views on Flickr, and I really kinda like that picture. Just when you least expect though, there will be gazillion views one day when I check the stats.

I have a pretty good unique idea for an iPhone application, so I have been hitting the books, and trying to get my web and coding skills up to date. I hope to have something possibly to put on the app store by Fall. I think I am going to have to spend some time at the library, or even stay at work to work on this, and also some of my Art projects. Too many distractions at home.

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