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Monday, February 16, 2009

What is a Lensbaby selective focus lens?

Summer picnic 1, originally uploaded by Otto Phokus.

I thought I might as well keep posting tonight while I am thinking about these things I have been wanting to blog about.

Look at this picture and you see the center of the picture is in focus and both sides are out of focus, there you go, selective focus. You manually squeeze the lens, or compress the lens in and out, back and forth until you find your sweet spot. This picture I used a 2.8 aperture diaphram that you have to manually insert into the lensbaby lens. And then all the settings are manual, like the speed... there is not Auto Focus, or Otto Phokus in my pun of a name.

This is a soft looking blur, not quite as sharp as some of the higher aperture disks. I thought for this party since I will be inside and outside, and overcast day I will use a lower aperture that lets in more light. Well I did get some good pictures, but I think of my pictures as little paintings, that some day I will get to watercolor, or paint when I have the time years from now.

I heard one person speak of a similar photo/composition he took with this depth of field, focus, and he stated that he could get a picture of his three son in focus playing baseball. The pitcher, batter, and catcher, all in focus, where normally they would not all be in focus.

I have a lot of fun using this lens the lensbaby 2.0, and the lensbaby 3G for static multiple shots you have to set up or compose, and I also have the macro lenses, the wide angle, and 1.6x telephoto adapter for the lensbaby lens. I haven't used a regular lens since I have this now almost 8 months, and I have some nice regular lenses. To me it makes digital photography a lot of fun.

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