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Saturday, September 20, 2008

10 million things to do this Weekend, and not enough time to do them

Well that's what it seems like! Shopping, cooking, cleaning, Web Classes,Meal Planning for the week, pay bills,getting things prepared, and ready for Winter, even though it is months away. I am going to get my heater up and going this weekend, as the mornings are getting cool, but it's the dampness that is bone chilling more often than the cold.
I will be spending time catching up on my Web Classes, as I fell behind when my iPhone was crashing b4 the 2.1 upgrade, and I spent a lot of time on that, and my digital photography, when I should of also been working on the Web Classes. I think I need an assistant, and will leave it at that...
More to post later today, but I have to get out shopping, and start completing my list of 10 million things I have to do today.

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