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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Lilly, iPhone, Kanji,

Edited the Blog title, added one of my drawings from life drawing class. Just changing things up a bit, see what works out best. 

This morning I can't decided what picture I want to spotlight from my Photrade Gallery. And when I choose one, and write about the picture, in the future it won't be attached to the blog in the Archive, but still in the Photrade Gallery website. So, I will always have to make that reference to view the picture on that site, if reading from the Archive. 
Not much happening from the Apple Special Event September 9, 2008 that was earth shattering,  but nice upgrade to the iPod/iTouch line, and iTunes 8. Now I can hopefully add the 97 apps I downloaded back onto my iPhone and it won't crash. I was restoring my iPhone and backing it up too much, and it was taking up most of my time. I felt like I was back in pre Apple Computer days of 1999 before I switched to Mac. I was constantly having to restore the Operating System software, and then the applications, and any data I could salvage. With the iPhone 2.1 OS coming out on Friday, Steve Jobs said at the Keynote, that these issues were addressed.
The iPhone issue is causing a Domino effect on everything else in my life, I am 2 weeks behind on the 2 Web classes I am taking, and new classes come out on Wednesday and Friday. So I have a lot of catching up to do, and that is just the beginning.
A quick word on the Japanese Kanji as Art. I think taking the art approach as I am with Kanji will help get back into painting, more specifically Watercolor, and Pen & Ink. I really miss it, and the digital photography has filled that creative gap so far. Plus the photography is instant gratification. 
Time to get ready for the day job, the picture for today will be Lilly, the farm dog. She is so fast it's hard to get a picture of her standing still. I like this one I took, almost like she is posing, vouge, for the picture. I have some more of her in my picture gallery's too. (Oh good, I just figured out how to edit my post's. I'm still finding my writing voice and style, and going through a little learning curve with the blog)

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